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Questions About MediCal?

What to do if you apply for Covered California and you or your children are determined eligible for MediCal

If you have applied for Covered California and the system determined you pending eligible or eligible for Medical, it may be confusing as to what comes next. Whether you want MediCal or not, you will need to do the following: 

1. Watch your mail for a letter from the department of social services within about 10 days. It will have the name of your assigned case worker on the top right of the page and the letter will let you know what documents you need to provide them in order for them to complete processing your application. 

2. Once approved, the case worker will enroll you into a local managed care plan in your county. For San Luis Obispo county, it will be Cencal. You will then receive a packet of information from your new HMO insurance company with an ID card and you may choose your primary care doctor and send back your selection. 

3. Going forward, you MUST get care from your assigned primary care doctor and/or doctors in the plans network in order for MediCal to pay. 

You will have to complete a renewal packet every 12 months to remain eligible for MediCal. Any changes to your contact information or income changes must be reported to your worker. If you lose MediCal eligibility, your application will be sent back

to Covered California and you will have a special enrollment period to enroll into a new plan. 


Have You Recently Lost or Been Told You Are Losing MediCal? 

Need Us To Assist You With a Medical Case? 
Download this form, assign us as your authorized rep and email this form to us
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Please Note: We are required by law to notify you that we do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

Contact Us

Coast Cities Insurance Solutions, Inc.

1536 W. Branch St.
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

CA License: 0I46600

Call or Text : 805-888-1544
Fax : 805-202-4789     
Email :

*Located between Quarterdeck and R&R Furniture*

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