Follow These 3 Easy Steps to Enroll Into Medicare
Already On Medicare?
We Can Help You Save Money On your Current Coverage
We Can Save You Money On Your Medicare Supplement Plan
Review Your Plan, Anytime, All Year Long
✓ We save clients money with the CA birthday rule!
✓ We Help You Understand Your Plan
✓ We shop many nationwide carriers to find the lowest rates
We Can Help Lower Your
Prescription Costs
Free Help October 15th- December 7th Every Year
✓ We help you understand your plan & costs
✓ We shop all Part C & D plans to find you lower cost options
✓ We provide additional resources in the gap
What Are The Four Parts of Medicare?
What Types of Supplemental Plans Are Available?
Medicare Supplements
Medicare Supplements are designed by Medicare but offered by private insurance companies to help you cover your out of pocket costs that Medicare does not pay.
Provides more coverage than Medicare alone.
Premiums are affordable, and offer robust benefits.
Plans are portable and cover you throughout the entire US.
Provides freedom to choose any provider that accepts Medicare. No networks.
Offered by most major insurance carriers.
When Can You Enroll:
During your IEP (initial election period) when coverage is guaranteed. First 6 months after turning 65 or enrolling in Part B.
If you have a qualifying Special Election Period.
Anytime of the year but the plan will require medical underwriting and you can be declined due to preexisting conditions.

Medicare Advantage Plans
Medicare Advantage plans, also known as Part C, become your primary insurance plan when you enroll. These plans provide all of your Medicare A, B and D benefits in one plan and may also include additional benefits such as dental, vision, hearing, transportation or gym memberships. However, many of these plans are HMO plans and require that you choose a primary care doctor in their network and get referrals to see specialists. Plan benefits and premiums can change annually so its best to review your coverage annually.
Many of these plans offer very low or even zero dollar premiums.
Plans offer all in one Medicare coverage, including Part A, Part B and Part D.
Plans may offer additional benefits not provided by Medicare like dental, hearing or vision.
Offered by most major insurance carriers.
When Can You Enroll:
During your IEP (initial election period) Three months before 65th birthday, month of your birthday, three months after.
During the AEP ( annual election period) which runs October 15- December 7th each year. Coverage will begin January of the following year.
If you have a qualifying SEP.
Medicare Prescription Drug Plans
Medicare Prescription Drug Plans, also known as Part D, are regulated by Medicare but offered through private insurance companies. Plans available to you are based on your residential zip code. Plan benefits and premiums can change annually so its best to review your coverage annually. Plans must all cover at least two medications in each therapeutic class but not plans have to cover the same medications so be sure to confirm your meds will be covered before selecting a drug plan.
The plans can range in premium so there is a plan to fit every budget.
There are plans that have deductibles and no deductibles.
Offered by most major insurance carriers.
When Can You Enroll:
During your IEP (initial election period) Three months before 65th birthday, month of your birthday, three months after.
During the AEP ( annual election period) which runs October 15- December 7th each year. Coverage will begin January of the following year.
If you have a qualifying SEP.

Dental, Vision, Hearing, Fitness Programs
Original Medicare does not cover hearing, dental or vision. Some Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplements do offer these additional benefits which are sometimes included in the monthly premiums or available for an additional cost. SilverSneakers & Renew Active are very popular fitness benefits in which the plan actually pays for you to have a free gym membership at any of their participating gyms nationwide.
These supplemental benefits are included in some supplemental or advantage plans.
We also offer standalone dental and vision plans with carriers like VSP & Delta Dental, as well as other major carriers.
We have one package that includes dental, vision and SilverSneakers, all in one for one low monthly premium. You can add this to your coverage at anytime, guaranteed.
When Can You Enroll:
If these benefits are not included in your plan, you can apply for the standalone coverage anytime of the year. You are not locked in but most dental plans do have waiting periods so its best to enroll before you actually need to access the benefits.
Annual Election Period
October 15 - December 7th
Once a year, you may enroll, disenroll or change your Part C (Medicare Advantage) or Part D (Prescription) plans. Since benefits and premiums change each year, its important to at least review the changes during this time so you will know if your current plan will still meet your needs the next year. We can help you with this at no charge.